Here is an updated listing of the previous post. If you've seen the first post, just scroll to the end to see all the updated channels and watch the Facebook groups for more updates. The new listings are at the end of the first post...
So being a long hauler on the Power Tour means making a lot of new friends along the way. Most of them are folks that have similar interests – friends you’ve never met before. In the old days, before email, internet, and social media we’d need to write letters or make long distance phone calls. Well, all that has changed drastically over the past few years.
When you’re travelling to 7 cities in 7 days, or ‘after plandemic’ 5 cities in 5 days, it makes it more difficult to remember everyone you talk to. So, introducing the click generation -- instead of filling out contest forms and spending a lot of time writing down names and addresses, we just click the link or scan the QR code. Being a little old school, there’s a transition to doing things this way, but it’s here – like it or not.
So, this year, I decided to try to group a few and make a list of the folks who document their Power Tour experiences. Starting with YouTube, I’ve compiled a short list. I’m sure that they don’t mind me sharing this with y’all. No specific order, so watch what you like (skip ads and all):
Left for Dead Garage: https://www.youtube.com/@LeftForDeadGarage
And Hot Rod Shop: https://www.youtube.com/@andhotrodshop
Clunkers and Classics: https://www.youtube.com/@clunkersandclassics
Lucky Garage Party: https://www.youtube.com/@luckysgarageshow
Auto Auction Rebuilds: https://www.youtube.com/@AutoAuctionRebuilds
Slow Shed Garage: https://www.youtube.com/@slowshedgarage7409
DD Speed Shop: https://www.youtube.com/@DDSpeedShop
Build A Cobra: https://www.youtube.com/@BuildaCobra
Rust O Mod: https://www.youtube.com/@Rustomod
Freedom Workx: https://www.youtube.com/@freedomworx
Tachout Garage: https://www.youtube.com/@tachoutgarage
AJ’s Speed Shop: https://www.youtube.com/@AJsSpeedShop
3 G Video: https://www.youtube.com/@3Gvideo
828 Adrenaline Flunkies: https://www.youtube.com/@ssdandp
FormulizedTV: https://www.youtube.com/@formulized94
Old Guys Garage: https://www.youtube.com/@oldsguysgarage
Tuques N Tires: https://www.youtube.com/@TuquesNTires
Street Rat Garage: https://www.youtube.com/@streetratgarage
Busted Radical Garage: https://www.youtube.com/@BustedRadialGarage
Issac It’ll be Fine: https://www.youtube.com/@isaacitllbefine7231
Duhe Speed Shop: https://www.youtube.com/@Duhe_speed_shop
Flying Sparks Garage: https://www.youtube.com/@flyingsparksgarage
Peak Performance Eng: https://www.youtube.com/@PeakPerformanceEngineering
Chris Kowalewski: https://www.youtube.com/@i995impalass.
Tim Forget: https://www.youtube.com/@Timmy_Forget
Monkey Wrench Works: https://www.facebook.com/monkeywrenchworks
Of course there will be many more making posts along the way in our various FaceBook groups. So, hope this helps both Long Haulers or Bucket Listers from the Hot Rod Power Tour family. Feel free to visit our “Direct Performance” Facebook page and share your feedback and memories. Let’s make it a safe and fun Power Tour in 2023.
UPDATED ADDITIONS (Friday, June 9, 2023)
The Id10t Garage: https://youtube.com/id10tgarage
Demetrius Five Lugs: https://fivelugs.com/
Kevin’s Jeep Willy Workshop: https://youtube.com/@JeepWillysworkshop
Jeff Thisted: https://www.youtube.com/@jeffthisted
Visit Richmond County (Rockingham): (81) VisitRichmondCounty NC - YouTube
Long’s Speed and Marine: https://www.youtube.com/@longsspeed
Rick Cloutier: https://www.youtube.com/@RustedUpGarage
Aaron Harding: Aaronharding5 on instagram
Mark Kirk: https://www.youtube.com/@mdkzztop